In a very real sense, every person who denies God is living of borrowed capital. He enjoys living as if the world is filled with morality, meaning, order and beauty, yet he denies the God whose existence makes such things possible. When you start with theism - "in the beginning God"- these destinations make complete sense. When you start with materialism though - "in the beginning, the particles" - that route takes you over a cliff of absurdity and despair. . Gregory Koukl
About This Quote

The idea of atheism is very foreign to people. They are confused by the fact that there is no God, meaning they have to think about it. Atheists do not believe in God, which means that to them he or she or it does not exist. You can just picture the atheist saying, "I don't believe in God." People do not realize how far reaching atheism can be.

For example, I am an atheist. I do not believe in the existence of any god and some people might think that this is a way to be a superior person and I would argue that there is nothing superior about being an atheist. However, I also live my life on borrowed capital because if I did not borrow some capital I could not live.

Also, you cannot borrow capital from yourself so if you want to live you need to get some from somewhere else.

Source: Tactics: A Game Plan For Discussing Your Christian Convictions

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